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Reporters get 12-year terms in N. Korea - Free Laura Ling and Euna Lee

interference KCIA 09.08.02

Suzanne Scholte of the North Korea Freedom Coalition says these sorts of shootings are commonplace in the regime. "Let's face it, this was not somebody who trying to commit a hostile action. This was obviously a mistake. And in a free society she may have been swept up and marched off, but she wouldn't have been shot on site," she argues. "But...this is what they're doing to their own people constantly when people try to escape the border. We know that they instituted a shoot-to-kill policy," states Scholte. Chad Groening - OneNewsNow - 7/17/2008 8:00:00 AM

Первый недоуменный вопрос южан связан с тем, почему и как туристка оказалась в запретной зоне, поскольку всех приезжающих с Юга неоднократно предупреждают о том, чтобы не покидать пределов отведенной для них зоны. По словам "Хендэ Асан", район пляжа и запретная зона разделены 2-метровым заграждением. Маловероятно, чтобы 53-летняя женщина перелезла через такое препятствие. По мнению членов семьи погибшей, для нее также было невозможным пройти по песчаному пляжу за полчаса 3300 метров.

Вопрос второй: почему охрана сразу не остановила нарушительницу, которая на целый километр углубилась внутрь запретной территории? В-третьих, оправдано ли было применять огонь на поражение? Даже если Пак не послушалась предупреждений часового, они вполне могли бы ее остановить, а не убивать, тем более, что перед восходом солнца было видно, что идет средних лет невооруженная женщина. Владимир Кутахов СЕУЛ Опубликовано в "Пульсе планеты" 15 июля

"Park caminaba por una playa e ingresó a un área militar norcoreana cercada próxima al complejo de Monte Kumgang, justo al norte de la frontera en la costa este, y un centinela le disparó en su torso y pierna, expresó el funcionario." Por Jon Herskovitz y Kim Junghyun viernes 11 de julio de 2008 08:13 GYT


Into the Fog: In April 2001, Han Seung-Soo was appointed the Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Korea. He was elected the President of the General Assembly of the United Nations in September 2001. Ban Ki-Moon was selected to be the chief of staff to general assembly president Han Seung-Soo. President Kim Dae-Jung defends himself by saying that those directors of the KCIA are good persons, that they catch communists; meanwhile he has given expensive gifts and cash at the time of the summit with Kim Jong-Il —who embraces communist ideas. He has branded a citizen as an anti-Kim Jong-Il extreme rightist and he tried to secretly kidnap and murder a citizen whom he had the duty to protect. This practice of evil politics of terror has become natural —a rightful and profitable action— for Minister Han Seung-Soo, Ban Ki-Moon and Ambassador Yang Sung-Chul. Yoo Chong-ha was one of the worst criminals.Park In-kook: New UN Ambassador Appointed. Park In-kook, deputy foreign minister for international organizations and global issues, has been named ambassador to the United Nations, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Trade said Monday. 04-14-2008 World's Greatest Proliferator - Abdul Qadeer KhanWorld's Greatest Proliferator - The President of Pakistan, General Pervez Musharraf

Is it too late to prevent the ultimate catastrophe?

Kim Dae-Jung’s Sunshine Policy: Silence Is Complicity

President Lee Myung-Bak! You have to terminate President Kim’s terror activities accordingly — vice-minister Ban Ki-Moon’s crimes (current UN secretary general), terrorist acts and those of the President—, as you have promised to do in your statements, as you have to do according to UN conventions and treaties. 08.03.30 2003, Libya gave up nuclear weapons-related material including these centrifuges that were acquired from Pakistan's AQ Khan nuclear "black market".

L: Sunshine Policy (Kim Dae-Jung and Kim Jong-Il), R: Kim Jong-Il’s Yoduk concentration camp (Northern part of Korea -North Korea, DPRK-)

In April 2001, Han Seung-Soo was appointed the Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Korea. He was elected the President of the General Assembly of the United Nations in September 2001. Ban Ki-Moon was selected to be the chief of staff to general assembly president Han Seung-Soo. President Kim Dae-Jung defends himself by saying that those directors of the KCIA are good persons, that they catch communists; meanwhile he has given expensive gifts and cash at the time of the summit with Kim Jong-Il —who embraces communist ideas. He has branded a citizen as an anti-Kim Jong-Il extreme rightist and he tried to secretly kidnap and murder a citizen whom he had the duty to protect. This practice of evil politics of terror has become natural —a rightful and profitable action— for Minister Han Seung-Soo, Ban Ki-Moon and Ambassador Yang Sung-Chul. Ban Ki-moon in call for respect for human rights.  2007-12-11 10:03:58 By Rose Mwalongo. UN Secretary General Ban Ki-moon has called on nations to ensure that the International Conventional on Human Rights is part and parcel of everyone`s daily lives. Ban Ki-moon in call for respect for human rights.  2007-12-11 10:03:58 By Rose Mwalongo. UN Secretary General Ban Ki-moon has called on nations to ensure that the International Conventional on Human Rights is part and parcel of everyone`s daily lives. (Hidden Burnt Offering Policy -including their arson-)

To Lee Myung-Bak


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This site was last updated 08/08/09 - Seoul, Korea