interference KCIA 09.08.02
Suzanne Scholte of the North Korea Freedom Coalition says these sorts of
shootings are commonplace in the regime. "Let's face it, this was not
somebody who trying to commit a hostile action. This was obviously a
mistake. And in a free society she may have been swept up and marched off,
but she wouldn't have been shot on site," she argues. "But...this is what
they're doing to their own people constantly when people try to escape the
border. We know that they instituted a shoot-to-kill policy," states Scholte.
Chad Groening - OneNewsNow - 7/17/2008 8:00:00 AM
Первый недоуменный вопрос южан связан с тем, почему и как туристка оказалась
в запретной зоне, поскольку всех приезжающих с Юга неоднократно
предупреждают о том, чтобы не покидать пределов отведенной для них зоны. По
словам "Хендэ Асан", район пляжа и запретная зона разделены 2-метровым
заграждением. Маловероятно, чтобы 53-летняя женщина перелезла через такое
препятствие. По мнению членов семьи погибшей, для нее также было невозможным
пройти по песчаному пляжу за полчаса 3300 метров.
Вопрос второй: почему охрана сразу не остановила нарушительницу, которая на
целый километр углубилась внутрь запретной территории? В-третьих, оправдано
ли было применять огонь на поражение? Даже если Пак не послушалась
предупреждений часового, они вполне могли бы ее остановить, а не убивать,
тем более, что перед восходом солнца было видно, что идет средних лет
невооруженная женщина.
Владимир Кутахов СЕУЛ Опубликовано в "Пульсе планеты" 15 июля
"Park caminaba por una playa e ingresó a un área militar norcoreana cercada
próxima al complejo de Monte Kumgang, justo al norte de la frontera en la
costa este, y un centinela le disparó en su torso y pierna, expresó el
Por Jon Herskovitz y Kim Junghyun viernes 11 de julio de 2008 08:13 GYT
Korean tourist killed by North Korean soldier Chad Groening - OneNewsNow
- 7/17/2008 8:00:00 AM
Turista que morreu na Coréia do Norte foi atingida por dois disparos
16/07/2008 - 07h51
туристки: Сеул не верит в версию Пхеньяна 15.07.2008, 13.47
Funeral held for tourist shot in North Korea Tue, 15 Jul 2008 11:40:02
Pyongyang pourrait mal réagir à l'affaire de la «Montagne de diamant»
PENINSULE COREENNE. Le meurtre d'une Sud-Coréenne gèle les relations entre
les frères ennemis. Isolda Agazzi, Séoul, Infosud Mardi 15 juillet 2008
Mort d'une Sud-Coréenne: la Corée du Nord refuse les enquêteurs du sud
15/07/08 14h36
Korean Killing with Terrible Timing. Sunday, Jul. 13, 2008 By BILL
South Korea denounces North Korea for shooting death, demands it admit
investigators. The Associated Press Published: July 13, 2008
North Korea rejects South Korean president's proposal to resume
reconciliation talks The Associated Press Published: July 13, 2008
Coreia do Norte: Seul condena Pyongyang pela morte de turista sul-coreana
Seul, Coreia do Sul 13/07/2008 03:45 (AFP)
Nord: No a ingresso agenti sudcoreani su nostro territorio Seul, 12 lug. (Ap)
NKorea blames SKorea for tourist's shooting death in move likely to
exacerbate tension. The Associated Press Published: July 12, 2008
spokesman: S. Korean tourist responsible for her death 2008-07-12
15:38:34 GMT 2008-07-12 23:38:34 (Beijing Time)
South Korean
tourist shot by soldier in North Saturday July 12, 2008
S. Korean Tourist Is Shot Dead In North Saturday, July 12, 2008; Page
N. Korean soldier kills S. Korean tourist July 11, 2008
Une touriste sud-coréenne tuée par balle en Corée du Nord. Par
LEXPRESS.fr, mis à jour le 11/07/2008 14:12:12 - publié le 11/07/2008
En Corée du
Nord, des soldats tuent une touriste sud-coréenne LIBERATION.FR :
vendredi 11 juillet 2008
Nordkorea: Soldat erschießt südkoreanische Touristin 11.07.2008 | 10:53
| (DiePresse.com)
Tensión entre las dos Coreas por muerte de turista. Un soldado
norcoreano mató a balazos a una mujer surcoreana. Huía del lugar tras ser
advertida con un voz de alto. La Voz del Interior - 11 Jul 2008
Turista surcoreana es baleada por soldado Corea Norte y muere viernes 11
de julio de 2008 08:13
Corea del Norte
Una turista surcoreana muerta a tiros en Corea del Norte 11/07/08 11:35
Туры в КНДР
отменены из-за убийства 11 июля, 17:58 | Кирилл ВОЛКОВ
Nord Corea,soldati uccidono turista. Seul sospende turismo nella regione
Is it too late to prevent the ultimate catastrophe?
Kim Dae-Jung’s Sunshine Policy: Silence
Is Complicity
President Lee Myung-Bak! You have to terminate President Kim’s terror
activities accordingly — vice-minister Ban Ki-Moon’s crimes (current UN
secretary general), terrorist acts
and those of the President—, as you have promised to do in your statements,
as you have to do according to UN conventions and treaties. 08.03.30
L: Sunshine Policy (Kim Dae-Jung and Kim Jong-Il), R: Kim Jong-Il’s Yoduk
concentration camp (Northern part of Korea -North Korea, DPRK-)
(Hidden Burnt Offering Policy -including their arson-)
The North
Korean Prison State. By Doug Bandow Published 8/20/2008
Release calls on China to stop deporting North Korean refugees. by
Jennifer Gold Posted: Saturday, August 16, 2008, 11:52 (BST)
North Korean Refugees Granted Temporary Stay in Czech Republic. By:
iStockAnalyst Monday, July 28, 2008 9:58 AM
SKorean activist: North Korean defector leaves Russia for US, accepted under
new refugee law The Associated Press Published: July 23, 2008
China to beef up inspections at NKorean border The Associated Press -
Jul 22, 2008
Churches Unite in Mass Vigils for N. Korean Refugees By Michelle A. Vu
Christian Post Reporter Sun, Jul. 20 2008 10:24 AM EDT
S. Korea to aid Britain with asylum cases. Published: July 19, 2008 at
5:49 PM
Crossing The Divide. A rare
feature film about North Korea depicts the struggles of refugees with
poignancy, heft and heart. By Christian Caryl and B. J. Lee | NEWSWEEK
Published Jul 19, 2008
Bush Asked to Support N. Korean Refugees at Beijing Olympics. By Ethan
Cole Christian Post Reporter Thu, Jul. 17 2008 01:54 PM EDT
Prayer vigil in Carollton tied to Olympics and North Korean refugees
12:20 PM Thu, Jul 17, 2008
U.S. Senators Urge China to Help N.Korean Refugees July.16,2008
Obama Supports Campaign for N. Korean Refugees By Michelle A. Vu
Christian Post Reporter Thu, May. 15 2008 04:17 PM EDT
highlights plight of North Koreans. Charlie Butts - OneNewsNow -
7/10/2008 8:00:00 AM
Report shows religion still outlawed in North Korea By Brandy Wilson
(Catholic News Service) Published Jul 8, 2008
China Steps Up Arrests of North Korean Refugees, Defectors Say July 1
Refugees shot fleeing North Korea June 29, 2008
5 North Korean defectors in Thailand leave for US. The Associated Press
Published: June 27, 2008
Thai police charge North Korean refugees Updated Thu Jun 26, 2008 1:13pm
Protestors Kick Off Prayer Effort Against China's Handling of N. Korean
Refugees By Michelle A. Vu Christian Post Reporter Wed, Apr. 02 2008
03:37 PM EDT
North Korea's refugees. Nicholas Eberstadt and Christopher Griffin
Published: February 19, 2007
Walk to Freedom April 24, 2006; 20:00 HKT
Escaping North
Korea. 28 July, 2004
Nowhere to Run, Nowhere to Hide. Monday, Jun. 18, 2001 By DONALD